An old-school 8-track player converted to a bluetooth speaker.
I repurposed a “Panasonic Dynamite 8” 8-track player by converting it to a battery-powered bluetooth speaker.

The 8-track player’s components were removed and replaced with an ESP32 dev kit, 1.3 inch LCD, 3W 4ohm full-range speaker, and bank of Li-ion batteries.

The 1.3" LCD replaced the track counter in the center front window, and displays the current play status, as well as the artist and song (if available).
Inside, several mounting components were designed and 3D printed to allow the speaker, volume control, a microswitch, and an LED visualizer to be mounted.
Volume can be controlled from the broadcasting device as well as separately, on the TNT itself.

The plunger at the top of the speaker is connected as a play and pause button, sending a notification to the bluetooth-connected device to toggle the media.
On the side, a spectrum visualizer was added where the 8-track slot used to be. The matrix display is covered by a 3D printed plate that provides a ‘blurring’ effect.